Dec 13, 2008

Survivor’s Super Sugar

Thursday’s episode of Survivor, the last episode before the big finale, was one of the best all season because of Sugar. Sugar looks like an innocent, young woman but she is a master strategist in disguise. She has been a part of almost ever jury members ousting, while staying off the chopping block and holding onto the hidden immunity idol.

The episode started with Matty upset with Kenny for writing his name down. Read my last Survivor post to learn more, about why, here. Even Crystal was worried and went so far as to say; not voting out Matty was the worst move she made in the game. There is more on Crystal later.

Kenny shifted his attention to Bob asking why he not used the idol to save Corinne. Bob confessed it was a fake idol. Kenny let Bob know her ruined Kenny’s game. After feeling very bad, Bob promised he would give Kenny his Idol if he won immunity.

After the reward challenge, Bob was standing with a win and a choice of what two people should he bring along. Bob picked Kenny and Crystal, a move to try to smooth things over and make a solid alliance. They got a helicopter ride, food, shower and clean clothes. While they were breaking bread, negotiations started about if Bob won the idol. He now had to give it to Kenny if Kenny felt in danger, if not Bob could keep it.

When the entire Survivor’s were back at camp, a bit of a rift began to evolve between Kenny, Crystal and Matty. It came to a point where Sugar was angry that Matty was being ganged up on and realized Crystal needed to go.

Bob won immunity for the fourth time in a row, and the wheels started to turn. Kenny decides to come up with a plan to tell Bob he feels unsafe. After Bob gives him the idol, everyone will vote Bob off instead. Matty would be Kenny’s back up if something goes wrong. This is where Super Sugar comes in to power.

Sugar wants to go to the end with Bob and Matty, so how can she save both and protect herself. First part of Sugars plan is to make sure every one knows she is playing the hidden immunity idol for herself. This keeps anyone from even considering herself. Next, she tells Bob the truth, Kenny is going to have Bob give him the idol then vote him out of the game. Sugar tells Bob to stick with her, keep the idol and vote out Crystal. Sugar then tells Matty just enough info that he will be safe and not to worry.

Please watch these two videos to see Sugar’s plan unfold. I believe you will agree with me that Sugar had one heck of a strategy.

Thank you for reading and watching. Thanks to exileslander for the Youtube video. CBS owns all footage of Survivor.

Dec 11, 2008

Top Chef Jamie is a Bridesmaid Again!

Who was the best chef on last night’s episode? Jamie. Did she win? No. Top Chef contestant Jamie seems to be a bridesmaid but never a bride. She has been a runner up in numerous Quickfire and Elimination challenges but winning seems to elude her. I’ve talked about Jamie, in a post before, as a possible winner of Top Chef. You can read that post here.

Wednesday’s Top Chef started with the Quickfire challenge. The chefs had to taste dishes and identify the different ingredients in them. Stefan and Hosea blew past the competition to become the final two. And in head to head battle, Hosea won, much to the dismay of competitor Stefan.

The Elimination challenge was a good one. The chef’s had to design dishes for Gayle Simmons’ Bridal shower. A good challenge, that ended up putting a little added pressure on the chefs. They did not want to mess up such an important day for a judge.

The team that preformed the worst was Eugene, Carla and Daniel. Daniel was by far the worst offender according to the judges, almost as if he had no taste buds. He even added badly flavored mushrooms to his teammate’s dish, Carla, with out her Okaying it. I agree with Daniel going home, he was by far the weakest chef in this challenge and was not very good in others.

What I did not agree with was the judge’s choice for winner. They picked the team of Radhika, Jamie and Carla as the best. The team was lead by Jamie, the concept of the dishes were her idea and the judges lover her dish. So the winner was Jamie right? Wrong, the winner was Carla for her well cooked lamb. What makes this even more surprising is she missed judged the cook time of the lamb. She caused her well oiled team to scurry around and have little time to plate. Yet she still took home the win.

Now I am not saying that I don’t like Carla. She has already improved in the few weeks the show has been on. I’m sure her lamb was well cooked, even though it almost was served raw. I am just feeling bad for Jamie. She keeps coming so close to a win, but the bullpen keeps blowing her lead. It will be interesting to see, in the following weeks, if she can start closing out her wins. Thanks for reading and please comment below if you have any opinions of the show. Top Chef and Images are owned by Bravo.

Dec 10, 2008

Lauri Out, Lynne In. A Classy Real Houswife Says Goodbye

Yesterday’s The Real Housewives of O.C. ended on a sad note with classy, beautiful Lauri leaving the show. Bravo had hinted over and over that a “housewife” leaves the show on Tuesday’s episode. I had not read any spoilers. I like rumors and news but not always spoilers, so I kept thinking who could it be? The only housewife I could think of was Lauri. I thought because she was a newlywed that she wanted to spend more alone time with hubby. Then I started seeing previews of Lauri crying about her son Josh.

Lauri's son Josh, who has been in and out of past seasons, has been dealing with drug addiction. We had seen him get help before and all hoped he would recover soon. Unfortunately, according to Lauri’s testimonial last nigh, the road for Josh ahead is going to be very hard and long.

Lauri left the rest of the show, to be with her family, during this trying time. As much as I enjoyed Lauri and am sad to see her go, I can not blame her at all. I can not even imagine what it would be like having to discuss you son’s heroin addiction on television. I think her family needed this break from the public and sincerely hope only good things for her family. This is a link to Lauri’s Bravo Blog if you would like to read her thoughts on what happened.

With Lauri leaving, a new housewife Lynne Curtin, will be introduced next week. I don’t know much yet about her except from a brief Bravo bio. We will have to wait, till next week, to see how her on-air personality is. However, she has big shoes to fit stepping into Lauri’s spot. Hopefully, Lauri will come back soon if it's right for her family.
Thanks for reading and if you have any comments about The Real Housewives please leave them below. The Real Housewives and images belong to Bravo.

Dec 9, 2008

Last Season Of Idol For Abdul?

Rumors are swarming; Is this the last season of Paula Abdul on American Idol?
Speculation had started with news of Idol adding a fourth judge. Is this the replacement for Abdul? And now Paula fuels the rumors herself, with her own words.

Press for Paula Abdul has not been great in 2008. Abdul had alleged substance abuse issues. Which I’m not so sure about, anyone who has seen her own reality show, knows the woman doesn’t get time to sleep. Then there was the awful news about a fan allegedly committing suicide, found in a car close to Abdul’s residence.

We haven’t heard too much from Abdul about these recent incidents until yesterday. Paula made a guest appearance on ABC’s The View. However, where things really heated up were Abdul’s comments afterwards on a radio show with Barbra Walters.
Below is a video of today's The View were Walters discusses the conversation with Abdul. The discussion starts at the video’s 1 min mark.

Wow this is some heavy stuff with allegations against Simon Cowell, Fox and American Idol producers. It’s hard to believe with her contract up after next season that Abdul will be asked back. Please comment below if you have any opinions about this post. Thank you for reading! ABC owns footage from The View and thanks to Lester94111 for the Youtube video.

Dec 8, 2008

Starr and Nick Shine Bright; Take The Amazing Race Crown

The Amazing Race came to a conclusion last night, with Nick and Starr taking home the crown. This season of TAR ended in one of the most exciting finishes in any of the shows 13 seasons. With one of the most dominating teams in history taking home the 1million dollar prize.

Nick and Starr have been my favorite team from the beginning. I believe this to be only the second time I have picked the winner from the first episode. But with the way Nick and Starr dominated all season, it wasn’t much of a stretch to pick them as TAR champs.

From Moscow, Russia to Portland, Oregon, Nick and Starr and fellow team competitors Ken and Tina, battled back and forth to the finish. All teams made the flight to Oregon but Andrew and Dan were out of the mix as soon as they picked the wrong taxi. Nick and Star and Ken and Tina battled back and forth from the first Detour to the finish line.

There really is no way to describe the nail-biting edge of your seat finale. I honestly was shaking from the suspense of the show. I am pasting the last exciting 10 minutes of the show below. If you missed the episode, I strongly encourage you to watch. If you did see it last night, well it’s worth seeing again.

Nick and Starr’s life sure has changed forever. They now have a million dollars, lots of first place Pit Stop prizes, and respect from the viewing audience on a beautifully run race. I also want to say congratulations to Ken and Tina. They were great competitors and I wish them the best with keeping their marriage together. It was nice to see them wearing their wedding rings again.

Do you agree with who won? Was it one of the most exciting finales ever? Please comment below, I’d love to hear from you. Thank you for reading and I’m working on a nice little TAR surprise for you the readers. I’ll let you know soon when it’s coming. Thanks to CBS who owns TAR footage and Cruelkiller22 for the Youtube video

Dec 7, 2008

Kathy Griffin D-Lists The Grammy’s

Pic belongs to Out in Hollywood

According to Bravo TV’s Blog, The Dish, hit reality star Kathy Griffin gets her first ever Grammy nomination.

For those of you out there that watch Kathy’s phenomenal reality show My Life on the D-list, know this was a big goal of hers. Kathy was not happy enough with two Emmy awards. She wanted a Grammy and would do anything, shameless or not to get it. Now she is half way there with Grammy nod for her comedy album For Your Consideration. The title means consideration for a Grammy.

To put it bluntly Kathy is an idol of mine. I will go as far as saying she is the funniest woman in the world. She will though have some tough competition up against the late George Carlin. I wish her well and will definitely be rooting for her!

One Survivor Gets Engaged; One Goes Home

We all know about the loved ones episode in each Survivor season and on Thursday December 4th, the Gabon contestants had theirs. This time there was a little loved one twist not seen before, a Survivor got engaged!

The competition started off in teams of three racing through mud to collect puzzle pieces. Bob’s team yellow, which included Sugar and Crystal, fell behind in the mud. That was until it was time to put the puzzle pieces together. Bob, the puzzle master himself, helped to soar team yellow into victory. However, only one survivor could win the reward of pizza, beer and a recorded message from home. Bob, Sugar and Crystal faced off in another puzzle challenge that really wasn’t a challenge for Bob. In a matter of seconds Bob had his pizza in hand, settling down to watch his message from his wife.

Survivor loves to do little twists in the loved ones episodes and this season was a good one. While Bob is watching his message from home, his wife sneaks up from behind him. After some quick catch up Bob returns with his wife to the Nobag camp. Not only does Bob bring his wife, he brings the entire camps loved ones and tears and laughter ensue.

Now comes the Survivor Gabon engagement. Watch the video below for 2 minutes and 20 seconds to see it unfold. I’m happy for them and hope it works out.

After the immunity challenge, Bob has the idol and a plan to try to save Corrine from a vote out commences. Bob makes his second fake immunity idol and boy that man can craft! They convince Kenny and Crystal it is real, yet hits a snag in the process. Kenny decides to vote for Matty with Corrine and Bob, but he tells Crystal to vote for Corrine incase the idol is fake. A little confusing I know. It works in a way but if Corrine’s idol is a fake, she goes home and there still is an extra vote for Matty. This situation does happen. Corrine goes home by a 4 to 3 vote. And now Matty is still here knowing that someone on his side voted for him.

Not the smartest play for Kenny. If you are going to turn on your alliance you better get that person out period. Kenny was too concerned with getting an idol out of play then playing smart. Will be interesting to see how damaged his game is next week. If you have any opinions about how the show went please comment below. Thanks for reading!
CBS owns survivor footage. Thanks to Cruelkiller22 for posting the Youtube video.