Dec 13, 2008

Survivor’s Super Sugar

Thursday’s episode of Survivor, the last episode before the big finale, was one of the best all season because of Sugar. Sugar looks like an innocent, young woman but she is a master strategist in disguise. She has been a part of almost ever jury members ousting, while staying off the chopping block and holding onto the hidden immunity idol.

The episode started with Matty upset with Kenny for writing his name down. Read my last Survivor post to learn more, about why, here. Even Crystal was worried and went so far as to say; not voting out Matty was the worst move she made in the game. There is more on Crystal later.

Kenny shifted his attention to Bob asking why he not used the idol to save Corinne. Bob confessed it was a fake idol. Kenny let Bob know her ruined Kenny’s game. After feeling very bad, Bob promised he would give Kenny his Idol if he won immunity.

After the reward challenge, Bob was standing with a win and a choice of what two people should he bring along. Bob picked Kenny and Crystal, a move to try to smooth things over and make a solid alliance. They got a helicopter ride, food, shower and clean clothes. While they were breaking bread, negotiations started about if Bob won the idol. He now had to give it to Kenny if Kenny felt in danger, if not Bob could keep it.

When the entire Survivor’s were back at camp, a bit of a rift began to evolve between Kenny, Crystal and Matty. It came to a point where Sugar was angry that Matty was being ganged up on and realized Crystal needed to go.

Bob won immunity for the fourth time in a row, and the wheels started to turn. Kenny decides to come up with a plan to tell Bob he feels unsafe. After Bob gives him the idol, everyone will vote Bob off instead. Matty would be Kenny’s back up if something goes wrong. This is where Super Sugar comes in to power.

Sugar wants to go to the end with Bob and Matty, so how can she save both and protect herself. First part of Sugars plan is to make sure every one knows she is playing the hidden immunity idol for herself. This keeps anyone from even considering herself. Next, she tells Bob the truth, Kenny is going to have Bob give him the idol then vote him out of the game. Sugar tells Bob to stick with her, keep the idol and vote out Crystal. Sugar then tells Matty just enough info that he will be safe and not to worry.

Please watch these two videos to see Sugar’s plan unfold. I believe you will agree with me that Sugar had one heck of a strategy.

Thank you for reading and watching. Thanks to exileslander for the Youtube video. CBS owns all footage of Survivor.

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